Friday, 3 December 2021

What Schools (Teachers & Students) Need To Know About Canva For Education?


Canva is a graphics design tool that simplifies the learning process. It allows users to edit images and learn from the project-based materials using a simple drag-and-drop interface. From brainstorming as a collaborative group to creating individual projects, it has plenty of potential uses in the classroom.

All You Need To Know To Be A Course Hero Tutor


This platforms' unique collective action framework allows students to subscribe or contribute their resources and earn a Netflix-like subscription to 60 million-plus course materials, tutoring and support resources. Approximately 60,000 faculties across Canada, United States, and Australia have joined the Course Hero educator community to share their teaching resources, collaborate with faculty in other fields, and hone new strategies for instruction.

How to Choose the Right Digital Solution?


Generally, a lot of school/campus management solutions address the enrolment, fee collection, student data management, and report generation requirements. Fewer institutions use digital solutions to improve the learning experience and efficacy.

Sunday, 7 November 2021

Top Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Games For Kids

We cannot deny that SEL is at the core of 21st-century skills, which is so important for kids to lead in the future. The 4 C's of 21st-century skills, I.e., collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking is what most SEL is about; and, ensuring that kids develop the best skills to be future-ready, it is prime that we help them develop social-emotional skills right from their initial years of learning.

Top 7 PMP Study Material For 2021


For passing the PMP Exam, experience in project management work may not be adequate for the aspirants. PMP certification examination requires committed and thorough training even for ones that come from a project management background.

How To Make Teaching Videos For YouTube?


YouTube, the most preferred social platform, has always been a great and easy source to both disseminate and grab information and at present, creating a YouTube account for your school is essential, as it will allow you to connect with the students far away.

Friday, 3 September 2021

Behaviour Management Tools for Educators To Explore


"Behaviour management" in the classroom is something that lots of teachers might have struggled with. Even the best teachers would have gone through this. It can be a great source of stress and anxiety if it gets hard to control the students. Teachers scramble for various best practices, resources and tools to work upon the behaviour management of students.

Popular Activities, Games & Project Ideas For Your English Class


We are in an era where we are exposed to English most of the time; as we watch television, read newspapers, and surf the Internet, we see English nearly everywhere. However, exposure to English is not sufficient to fully understand the language; more effort is needed.

Key Traits of a Modern Workplace Learning & Training Development


As technology takes centre stage in our lives, workplace learning has transformed, leading to changing ways of learning and training for employees.

Thursday, 3 June 2021

What are the LMS Can Increase Engagement in Students During Virtual Lessons?


What are the LMS Can Increase Engagement in Students During Virtual Lessons?

The role of LMS in active learning is to foster new ways to encourage, stimulate and ignite curiosity in students during the online learning process. New methods such as gamification, tracking systems and communicative systems are created to improve the eLearning experience.

Sunday, 2 May 2021

What are the Easy Tips for Online Teaching Through Mobile?


What are the Easy Tips for Online Teaching Through Mobile?

Education in electronic learning and teaching is still in infancy; it is far from making the most mobile technologies to support day-to-day classrooms and enhance learning experiences and processes.

How To Add The Essence Of An In-person Teaching Into Your Remote Campuses?

How To Add The Essence Of An In-person Teaching Into Your Remote Campuses?

This article brings you some effective techniques and strategies that could help you add a human touch into your remote campuses, shared by several experts and organizations.


Sunday, 28 March 2021

How AWS Is Making Education App Development and Delivery Easy for EdTech Solutions Providers?


How AWS Is Making Education App Development and Delivery Easy for EdTech Solutions Providers?

The online shift also saw a wide range of development and delivery related issues that made lives harder for the global EdTech solutions providers. Increased usage, surging digital content consumption, glitchy connectivity, poor collaboration & communication, and poor learning outcome tracking are just the tip of the iceberg.

With most global cloud applications running on AWS, the Amazon Web Services team hosted an on-demand webinar series called “AWS EdTech Solutions Webinar Series – Build, scale, and save on the cloud.”

Here is a quick overview of the topics from the webinar series:

1) Modernizing Remote Classroom and Content Delivery Experience on AWS
2) Building Database, Data Lakes, and Analytics on AWS
3) Using AWS Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) Solutions to Improve Online Learning and Student Outcomes
4) Optimizing AWS Operation Cost

What are the List Of Digital Content Resources To Help You With Different Subject Needs?


What are the List Of Digital Content Resources To Help You With Different Subject Needs?

Educators, students and parents lookout for digital resources to enhance the learning experience for students. Also, additional resources help in developing relevant, engaging and new content.

Here's a list of digital content resources to help you with all the content curation and learning needs.

Multiple Content Areas

Brain Pop  
Discovery Education  
International Children's Digital Library  
Khan Academy  
OER Commons  
PBS Learning Media  

For Social Studies

C-SPAN Classroom  
History Classroom  
National Geographic Education  
Crash Course World History

For Math   

Discovering Geometry   
RightStart Mathematics   
Scaffolded Math and Science  

For Science  

Mystery Science  
Biology Online   
Science Game Center   
Scaffolded Math and Science

For English

Storyline Online   
Into the Book   
Learning Ally   
Tumble Book Library   
Learning Without Tears

For Computer Science

Code Monster   
Flatiron School   

Tuesday, 2 March 2021

How to Introduce New Age Careers to Your Kids?


How to Introduce New Age Careers to Your Kids?

The World Economic Forum (WEF) reported that over half of the world's youth would find themselves in jobs that have not yet been created. Here, in this article, we have enlisted the top seven new-age careers choices and how to introduce these age careers to your kids.

Monday, 1 February 2021

What Can Elementary Students Expect From E-Learning?


As we push ahead to ensure we grasp technology and teach in the best way out; our students' virtual learning expectations may get overlooked. Whatsoever the case, just because you are teaching virtually does not mean your students' expectations have to go unnoticed!

What Is E-learning Security? Why Is It A Rising Concern?


The current pandemic resulted in a crisis for schools, colleges, and universities across the world. With physical buildings closed, most educational institutes moved to emergency remote learning and working.