Sunday, 20 September 2020

Why is 21st Century Learning Both Social & Emotional?


Why is 21st Century Learning Both Social & Emotional?

To educate the future generation was turning out to be a great challenge as severe competition and differing needs were emerging out to be prominent.

Key factors for stressing on Social & Emotional skills:

Maintain societal progress
Life and career Skills
Development of Nations

Click the Link Below to Learn More:

5 Reasons Teachers Must Blog to Improve


5 Reasons Teachers Must Blog to Improve

The practice of blogging is increasingly becoming popular among the educators and why not as blogging is undoubtedly a powerful tool to express one’s ideas, views, and information to the large pool of audience.

Let’s take a look as to why educators must start blogging today to improve their career graph and most importantly enjoy their profession.
  • Share, Reflect and Publish
  • Be a Digital Citizen
  • Get Connected to a Large Professional Community
  • Strengthen Collaboration Ability
  • Build up library of content & Resource

Click the Link Below to Learn More:

Thursday, 17 September 2020

Has Technology Changed the Way We Look Into Assessments?


Has Technology Changed the Way We Look Into Assessments?

Assessments ended up to benchmark and categorize students. Nowadays, tests produce a change in direction of attaining comprehension.  During the last century educationists, all on the globe come come up using various intentions of evaluations.

Sunday, 13 September 2020

Collaborative Problem Solving in the Technological Era


Collaborative Problem Solving in the Technological Era

It could be stated as ‘Mutual sharing of knowledge and working together bringing forward the strengths of each other towards achieving a common goal or producing positive outcome’. This approach involves critical thinking, communication and social skills of the individuals involved and helps them develop a better understanding of the problem.

Teacher Training to Implement Change


Teachers are mandated to attend and they find the entire session not relating or connecting with their work. The presenter generally looks into presenting hard core content based limited examples designed by some elite institutions under controlled conditions.  The end result is that the training takes a back step with teachers not feeling satisfied or elated about learning new things.